The Best Plan to Secure the French Quarter
We have all seen the increase in crimes against persons in the French Quarter recently. Innocent people are being attacked in public areas. We also know the unfortunate manpower challenges facing the New Orleans Police Department. These issues bring to light the question, what plan best utilizes resources available to prevent these types of crimes from occurring?
On Wednesday October 15th, Pinnacle Security and Investigation Inc. President Chad Perez was invited to speak in front of the French Quarter Management District (FQMD) regarding security concerns in the French Quarter. Chad presented the FQMD with a comprehensive security plan that utilizes a combination of New Orleans Police Officers and Pinnacle Security Officers.
This plan allows for Pinnacle Security Officers, who are all current or former law enforcement professionals, to conduct foot and vehicle patrols throughout the French Quarter. Pinnacle is able to staff this security detail with as many officers needed to effectively increase the uniformed presence. The plan does not eliminate the need for NOPD detail officers, and actually calls for a collaborative effort between the NOPD and Pinnacle Security Officers. We believe that since our officers are ALL current or former law enforcement professionals, their working relationship with NOPD will only make the plan more effective. The plan also calls for Pinnacle Security Officers to take advantage of arrest powers issued to them by the NOPD Special Officers Division, to assist NOPD Officers in preventing crimes in the area. Our armed security officers have the experience and training to effectively make a difference.
The City of New Orleans has presented a plan to utilize unarmed civilians to assist NOPD with fighting crime. Is this the best use of resources? Will this put citizens and officers at more risk? We believe a group unarmed civilians is not the answer. Putting experienced armed security officers working alongside NOPD Officers makes the best use of resources and adds the most value to any security plan for the French Quarter. If you are a NOPD Officers, which would you choose? If you are citizen, would you rather an unarmed civilian arrive to assist you, or an experienced Pinnacle Security Officer, who has years of law enforcement experience?