Securing New Orleans in 2015
As we close out 2014, New Orleans has made great strides this year. But, there is one concern that is on the mind of every New Orleans resident and visitor. Crime and Safety is a major concern for everyone, as we have seen increases in violent crime (including robberies) throughout the city. There may be no place that this crime has been more evident than in the city's crown jewel, the French Quarter. It seems as though these crimes grew more brazen as the year went on. So now, we are poised with finding a solution... We need to stop talking about the problem (we all know what the problem is) and we need to start talking about solutions... Solutions that are viable, attainable, and will be effective. What is being done is not working.
You see, most of these crimes are crimes of opportunity. A criminal is looking for an easy target and does not want to put themselves in a position where they may be caught. They know that the NOPD has lost over 33% of their manpower. That translates to 33% less uniformed officers patrolling the neighborhoods in which these crimes occur. We all want more police officers, that goes without saying. We all support the NOPD as well, as they are doing the best that they can, with what they have. The problem is that there are not enough of them. We can all demand more police officers, as we should, but the reality is even with normal attrition, it will take 10-15 years to start making a net gain in officers (that's just the reality). So what is the answer???
Well, here at Pinnacle Security and Investigation we have solutions. We have an effective plan that can attain results. We are a company that is owned and operated by former Law Enforcement Professionals, and employ former and retired Law Enforcement Officers that provide armed security services throughout New Orleans. Our officers are not traditional security guards, they are Law Enforcement professionals who are now serving as Security Officers. This experience translates into decreases in crime, and increases in safety and quality of life for our clients. Remember what I previously stated about these being crimes of opportunity.... Well adding our Security Officers to provide vehicle and foot patrols in your neighborhood increases the uniformed presence to deter these crimes from occurring. Oh and did I mention that they do have arrest powers... That's right, every one of our officers is commissioned through the NOPD Special Officers Division, which authorizes them to make both felony and misdemeanor arrests while they are on duty. They not only have the ability to detain and make the arrest, but they have the experience to do so safely and effectively. Now that is added value!! So I ask.. Would you like to see a group of armed Pinnacle Security Officers (who are former law enforcement officers) patrolling your neighborhood?
Everyone keeps saying that we need a holistic approach, something that maximizes all the available resources. Here at Pinnacle Security and Investigation, we are adding experienced officers to those available resources and are ready to assist. As we look forward to 2015, and seek solutions to these issues, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and your neighbors to work on real solutions that transform you into the leaders in change towards the safety and security of your New Orleans neighborhood.
Kind Regards,
Chad J. Perez, President
Pinnacle Security and Investigation Inc.