PSI Officer Commendation - Darnell Plaisance
We want to recognize Pinnacle Security Officer Darnell Plaisance for a job well done! Officer Plaisance was working inside the emergency room at one of the healthcare facilities we provide security services for, when a mental patient produced a knife and threatened to stab himself in the waiting area. The subject began to waive the knife around and, at one point, put the blade up to his neck. Officer Plaisance remained composed and relied on her previous law enforcement training in dealing with mentally disturbed individuals. She was able to initiate communication with the subject and negotiate with him for several minutes while additional security and law enforcement were summoned. Officer Plaisance convinced the subject to put the knife down and de-escalated the incident. The subject was then restrained and received medical treatment. Officer Plaisance’s quick actions and professionalism prevented the subject from committing harm to himself, and kept the staff and other patients in the ER safe!
“Darnell’s professionalism and dedication to duty on that night were in accordance with the core values of our company and are another example of how our experienced security officers continue to set themselves apart from those of our competitors.” Pinnacle CEO, Chad Perez