Pinnacle Security Officers See Success in Crime Prevention and Security for New Orleans Clients
Our clients are seeing the benefits of a security plan that includes experienced law enforcement professionals providing armed security services. Pinnacle Security Officers have seen great success in crime prevention and overall security for our clients in recent weeks. Our officers working security for several Bourbon Street businesses have intercepted 2 simple robberies, preventing one from occurring and making an arrest and detention in another. Both incidents resulted in the victim's property being returned and two less crimes that NOPD Eighth District Officers had to investigate. One of our officers working a multi-family housing community in New Orleans East intervened in what may have been an armed robbery in progress, after he encountered an armed suspect pointing a firearm at the victim. The officer took the appropriate action and prevented the incident from escalating further, when he attempted to detain the gunman and pursued him when he fled.
Our officers, and their experience, are what separates us from the pack and brings tremendous value to the security plan for our clients. We would like to congratulate our hard working officers and commend them for their dedication to duty.
If you are interested in joining our team of professional officers please CLICK HERE