February 2018 Spotlight Officer of the Month
When asked what our greatest value to our customers is, we answer without hesitation, “our employees”. They are our main assets, and with them we have become a strong competitor in the security industry and continue to meet and exceed customer expectations.
This month we spotlight Pinnacle Security and Investigations, Inc. “Officer of the Month”, Security Officer Leonard Leflore for a work ethic and people skills worth recognizing. Listing “just do your job and do what’s asked of you” as his motto, it is clear to see why he was chosen.
We inquired what interested him about working for Pinnacle and Officer Leflore replied, “I initially heard about the company while working for (another company). The pay with Pinnacle was way more than I was making at the time and the quality of personnel was better. So I applied.” Clients and his fellow employees agree that since then, it has been a pleasure having him on our team. He values his free time, preferring to spend it with his wife and kids while also enjoying a variety of movies (from Good Fellas to The Pursuit of Hapyness) and traveling. Like most of us, Leonard also enjoys music, but unlike most of us he once studied classical piano!
Leonard is a perfect example of the type of security officer that our managers and our clients appreciate. He is always on time and is very detailed in his job duties. He has been with the company for on year this month and we look forward to his tenure and growth along with us. Congratulations Officer Leflore!